
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3


The Forgora is a thick, squat tree with branches that bristle out in a near wreath-like formation. The leaves of this tree are long and triangular that curl in as they grow, giving the appearance of claws on the end of the gnarled branches. While capable of thriving nearly anywhere, these trees are most likely to be found in Zoda, northern Tal`Rah and northern Shalzaar, where it is harvested for its wood and its bark. The wood is often used as a building material for its unusual denseness and the bark is harvested as a key ingredient in the wildly popular Elixir of Discretion. The elixir, when consumed by a man is a 97% guaranteed method of preventing an unwanted pregnancy. The elixir likewise confers a bit of resistance to various communicable blood diseases, but by no means is it foolproof.