Next Treasure - Rogue's Disquise Kit
Unlike every other profession on Imarel, rogues have a heightened need to be able to disguise themselves in a pinch, or as part of a spy mission...
A neo-Victorian Magitech Adventure RPG
The Onique tree is a very tall, stout-trunked tree with interesting zig-zag shaped leaves, found only on the continent of Vocoria and outlying islands. While the wood from the tree is good for both building and crafting bows of various sorts, the true gift of this tree is medicinal. When the pulp is boiled with vinegar and animal fat, is produces a cloudy, frothy substance can calm a fear-panicked mind and grant unusual clarity for spell-casters. The downside to this is, if too much of this potion is taken at once, the drinker is likely to suffer permanent brain damage.
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