
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3

Xin Kinlei (Wyrm Bane)

The Xin Kinlei is a rather rare flower actually created by the Shar`Vaire during the War of Betrayers. Found only in the Sovereignty of Anthalas, Xin Kinlei is a bright red flower with a strange, navy blue stigma that looks vaguely like an open eye. Dragons are incredibly allergic to the pollen of this flower and inhaling it from a dose gained from nothing more than a small patch of Xin Kinlei is enough to temporarily negate the ability for a dragon to use their breath weapon, for the labored breathing it causes. This effect will fade after about fifteen minutes of clear air, but while in contact with the pollen, a dragon of any kind will find it hard to breath and suffer watery eyes and irritation to the throat, making it likewise extremely difficult to roar.

These flowers once graced many gardens in D`Mir, before its destruction but now are only found in Theocrat gardens in Anthalas and New D`Mir and very rarely in the wild in and around these cities. Prolonged or excessive exposure to Xin Kinlei pollen could feasibly kill a dragon through asphyxiation. It should be noted that these flowers can also effect Dragonkin with similar results.