
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3

Tamayr Ambrawood

This sturdy, short tree native to Tamayr Shiryu is easily identified by its rust-colored bark, as well as broad, burgundy, spade-like leaves.  These trees tend to be found in areas that are rich in ambracite, and are often used to identify where to quarry the precious stone. The wood from this tree is extremely heavy and hard, and makes excellent clubs and cudgels, however it is extremely difficult to work with, requiring vocorium tools in the hands of a master craftsman to make full use of.  When burned, the wood takes almost five times longer than the same amount of oak to consume, and when used to make staves or cudgels, such weapons receive a +10% bonus to melee hit increasing to +20% vs spectral or out of phase creatures, and a 35% chance to resist breakage. Structures made of Ambrawood resist phasing or teleportation in the same way ambracite does.