
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3


Camina is a bright orange flower with splendid indigo blue at the tips of its petals that grows wild only in the Burning Lands of the Sovereignty of Anthalas. While considered particularly nourishing to some of the strange wildlife that thrives in this magic-twisted part of Imarel, it also has pollen that can act as a sleeping drug against humanoids. A favorite of assassins across Imarel, it takes only one flower's worth of pollen to get enough to put a single person to sleep for roughly an hour. The process of harvesting this pollen is tricky, as breathing it in can just as easily put the collector to sleep as his intended victim. Seers are known to make candles with this pollen mixed in, to help the restless sleep better.