
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3


The Mikano is a moss common on Irys but almost unheard of anywhere else on Imarel. Russet in color, this moss has been long known amongst the Zissah to aid in the healing of burns, both soothing the bite such wounds have and promoting the natural regenerative properties their own bodies have. In other races, it has been proven that Mikano can have similar effects, granting even those without natural regeneration the ability to heal a bit more quickly without the use of magic. This moss is so effective, that herbalists across Imarel will go to Irys just for this moss…much to the disfavor of the Zissah who are not overly fond of invasive outsiders. It is believed that the healing property of this moss is why Kavorg have an allergic reaction to it.