Next Treasure - Rogue's Disquise Kit
Unlike every other profession on Imarel, rogues have a heightened need to be able to disguise themselves in a pinch, or as part of a spy mission...
A neo-Victorian Magitech Adventure RPG
This fruit bearing tree is a close relative to the common fig native to Tamayr Shiryu. In fact, even skilled botanists who miss the slightly serrated leaves mistake the Atlzuni - or ‘Last Embrace’ for a fig. The slightly bitter fruit of this tree is highly toxic, and can be lethal if ingested. Even touching the sap or pulped leaves of the Atlzuni can cause a severe allergic reaction ranging from severe hives and swelling to blistering. Thankfully, this variety of tree is particularly rare, only found in a few isolated areas reasonably far away from civilization.
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