
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3


The Jukuarai is a reedy plant of an off-bronze color that grows primarily in the Tashrani Desert and the Burning Lands. Often shortened to simply Juka, this plant is a favorite of assassins who cultivate it to create a poison that does not kill its intended target, but paralyzes them completely. This effect, coupled with the intense hallucinations one suffers when effected by the toxin created from the Jukuarai, has been known to kill victims out of sheer terror. Despite its obvious toxicity, Jukuarai is also used in a diluted form, as a recreational drug. The effect of course is only somewhat less hallucinogenic and causes the taker to become sluggish and clumsy. The use and purchase of Juka in any form is considered illegal in nearly everywhere civilized on Imarel, save Tashran, where there are private Juka Parlors run by the Hazjid.