
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3

Ulvaris (Ijuraka)

Ulvaris, which is the Asyndi name or Ijuraka, which is the Zissahian name is a relatively short, fruit-bearing tree that grows primarily in very warm climates, such as the very southernmost areas of Tal`Rah, around Mira's Hope on Shalzaar and with abundance on Irys. The tree itself is quite attractive, with layered bark that gives it an almost accordion-like ripple to the trunk, while its branches have many small, oval-shaped leaves and a bright, orange-red berry that clusters at the end of these branches. The berries are harvested by the Zissah to make an enjoyably tart fruit drink, though the Shar`Vaire have been known to make a very robust wine from it, called Ulvar Nirua. While very popular amongst the Asyndi, it's strong flavor is something of an acquired taste for most other races, with the Kaal`Kor Dwarves referring to it as ‘fruity angel piss.'